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DCC Minutes 06-29-2010

Dukes County Commission
Special Meeting
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
9 a.m.
Dukes County Administration Building

Commissioner Present: Carlene Gatting –Chair, Tristan Israel, Lenny Jason, Les Leland, Melinda Loberg and Tom Hallahan.

Not present: John Alley

County Staff present: Russell H. Smith – County Manager, Martina Thornton – Ex. Assistant to County Manager, Noreen Mavro Flanders – County Treasurer, Sean Flynn – Airport Manager, Elaine Graves – Airport Financial Administrator.
Others: Joe Markarian and Zack Blake from Dept. of Revenue, Joanie Ames of MV TV.

Meeting was called to order at 9:15PM

Airport FY2010 Supplemental Budget #3
Sean explained that the difference between the Supplemental Budget #2 and #3 is $89,534 in extra expense which is offset by additional revenue so the budget stays balanced. It represents a 2.75% increase in wages retroactive for FY2010 for the non-union employees, cleaning up of actual shortages and projected last payments for this fiscal year and transfer of $82,500 from capital projects to automobiles & trucks expense line. They received a grant that will cover 80% of the cost of the two snow removal equipment purchased and are using some of the same funds for purchase of two new replacement vehicles. Improvement to land (clean up of old PCE contamination, adding chemicals to the ground) – needs another $35K.  The non-aviation properties revenue increase is due to a release of a 5% contingency for non-payment they put aside. The revenues will be even higher as they already reached revenues shown on the Supplemental #3 budget. The Airport has 3 reserve funds: one for capital improvements, a stabilization fund and one for bond. They also have the unreserved fund balance. For FY11 the unions accepted the same offer as the non-union employees had for the 75-25 health insurance change plus there is a 2.75% COLA (the union employees received zero COLA in FY10). The Boston-Brockton index was 2.67% May to May. They have money set aside in the reserve fund for the COLA for the non-union employees in the FY11 budget.
Lenny asked if the FY11 budget is a solid number. Sean said that it will change after the Airport Commissioners vote on the COLA. Noreen said that we can change the budget at the public hearing on July 14th.

Melinda/Lenny moved to approve the Airport’s FY10 Supplemental budget #3 as presented. So voted. All in favor (6-0-0).

MA Department of Revenue – Division of Local Services – Joe Markarian
They will conduct today a procedural audit (not financial) – they look at the budget process, capital improvements process, checks and balances, inter-department relations, governmental structure, technology used, financial management practices, compliance with state laws, etc. They write a report with conclusions and recommendation on how to improve the practices, which are not mandatory. It should increase the efficiency of the departments not necessarily save money. They will also look at the whole island and operations among the six towns and ways on how to consolidate services as they did in other communities.

Tristan/Melinda moved to adjourn the meeting at 9.35p.m. All in favor.

Respectfully Submitted by:

JOSEPH E. SOLLITTO JR., Clerk of the Courts